Sitting on the wooden floor of a huge room.  You are next to a multi-paned window.  Shafts of light come in diagonally.  You see particles of dust in the shafts of light. Each particle,  among the millions of particles moving slowly in the light, floating weightless, is a prayer you have offered up.  All the prayers you have ever uttered are floating in the beams of light that is God's love. 

None of them have fallen to earth unanswered,  they float in hope and in faith in the beams of light that is God's love. They are a part of who you are, everything that you have hoped for and dreamed of. Some of the paths forward have included these hopes and dreams,  and some are not meant for you. But the offering up of them is entering into a sacred contract with God.  Uttering your hopes and dreams and putting words to them humbles you to the greatest power and offers your faith in your smallness. But during the utterance of each prayer, you are transported into that power. You become one with the beam of light. God’s love becomes a part of you, and you become a part of God. 

-Victoria Adams