“It is a great folly to neglect the things that are profitable and necessary, and give our minds to that which is curious and hurtful: we have eyes and see not.” Thomas a Kempis
“Then Jesus told his disciples, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me…For what will it profit them if they gain the whole world but forfeit their life? Or what will they give in return for their life?” Jesus (Matthew 16:24, 26)
Many voices call out to me, trying to gain my attention. My time and energy seem to be in high demand. Even above my time and physical exertion, I find many trying to evoke my emotions, trying to create within me a passion for the good (or not so good).
Often this leads me to mental, physical, and spiritual exhaustion. Instead of having the ability to labor for that which is necessary, I have wasted all that I am on that which is “curious” – that catches my interest – and too often “hurtful.”
In my life I have found God to be faithful in providing the strength that I need to answer the call He has given. He provides all that I need to accomplish what He has placed before me: my employment, my family, ministry, etc. Too often I have taken the strength God has provided and used it for things that are not profitable and necessary. Too often I have tried to “gain the whole world” rather than following Jesus.
And then I find myself exhausted. I no longer have the strength I need to accomplish what God has placed before me.
I find for myself that I am often distracted, not by the “seven deadly sins” but instead by things that are good and important – things God has called others to invest in, and given them a passion to see His kingdom in these areas. Instead of encouraging someone in the work God has given them, I jump in, ready to do the work that I have not been given to do with energy that should be spent somewhere else. It isn’t that the work isn’t important. I’m not saying that it doesn’t matter. Simply, I can’t do it all. No one can. I can do what I’m called to do with the energy God has given me.
Of course, there are times I give myself to the curious and the hurtful. Often, I am vulnerable to that temptation when I have spent my energy and am exhausted.
Lord, may I remember that You have called me to follow You. You have given me strength for the work You set before me. Help me to see the difference between supporting someone in the call You have given them and jumping in where I am not called to be. May I use wisely the strength that You give. May I turn from either seeking to gain the whole world, or from trying to numb my exhaustion with that which is curious and hurtful.