“It is great wisdom not to be rash in thy proceedings, nor to stand stiffly in thine own conceits.”
Thomas a Kempis
“Who is wise and understanding among you? Show by your good life that your works are done with gentleness born of wisdom.”
James (James 3:13)
I believe Thomas a Kempis may have been writing to me personally when he wrote the above statement. I have too often been rash in what I do, too often stood stiffly in my own opinions. I desire too often to be too sure of what I want to be truth rather than to take the time and listen to God’s Spirit speaking the truth.
In acting rashly, in standing too firmly in my own opinions, I have damaged myself, damaged others, and damaged the Kingdom of God.
James speaks what I need to hear this morning. My wisdom is reflected by my good life – not a life lived violently and full of misplaced passion, but life lived with gentleness that is born of wisdom. In other words, when my actions and reactions are not done gently, I need to examine myself and figure out from where they are coming.
We all know the story of Jesus turning over tables in the Temple. We like to quote it when we react in righteous indignation against “those people.” Perhaps we need to remember that Jesus did this once…one time in His ministry…one time in His life. The actions of Jesus were most often gentle. His words were powerful, but rarely yelled. Almost always He spoke with compassion to the crowds and to individuals. Jesus’ wisdom was most often demonstrated through gentle acts.
Is mine?
Lord, I repent of my tendency to react first and ponder later – if at all. You have provided the best example of what a life of wisdom looks like. May I be willing to confess and turn away from my own proceedings and conceits, and instead look to You for wisdom that I will live out gently. May I truly be a Christ Follower and learn to live out gently the wisdom that comes, not from my own ideas, but from You.