Thought for Today

We live in interesting times.  Perhaps this SIP (Shelter in Place) is a magnification of what life has always been:  some thrive, some suffer, some express hostility, some find contentment. For some, the external circumstances control their life: sickness, abuse, addictions, lack of a job - or - health, in-home harmony, financial security.  In these times many find themselves without the foundation on which their lives have been built.  What they have known has been removed - or at the very least shaken to the point of cracking.

As I sit here in my comfortable and secure spot, I recognize that criticism of others for not experiencing SIP as I do would be slanderous.  What do I have to say to those suffering that brings hope, courage, strength and peace?

If I am unwilling to put love into action, I have nothing to say - no right to speak.

The challenge is:  what does love in action look like here and now?

"I was hungry, and you gave me food
“I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink.
"I was a stranger, and you welcomed me.
"I was naked, and you gave me clothing.
"I was sick and you took care of me.
"I was in prison and you visited me."

When we do this for the "least of these, my brothers" we do this for the King.

How am I living out love like this now, in these circumstances? What does providing visits and/or shelter look like under SIP?  Circumstances have changed. God's command to love one another has not.

Lord, help me to explore, to learn, what it means to love in this strange time.  May I remember that love lived out looks different to each of us; there is no "one size fits all."  I want to love others as You have loved me.